Put on your shoes

Put on your shoes, your shoes, your shoes.
Put on your shoes, your shoes, your shoes.
Put on your shoes.
Let's go outside.
Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your jacket, your jacket, your jacket.
Put on your jacket, your jacket, your jacket.
Put on your jacket.
Let's go outside.
Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your scarf, your scarf, your scarf.
Put on your scarf, your scarf, your scarf.
Put on your scarf.
Let's go outside.
Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your hat, your hat, your hat.
Put on your hat, your hat, your hat.
Put on your hat.
Let's go outside.
Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Put on your shoes.
Your jacket.
Your scarf.
And your hat.

Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry hurry up!

Language focus:
Clothing vocabulary. It can be adapted to all the seasons by changing the clothes.

Classroom Benefits:
Children will start to gain autonomy at getting dressed.

1. This song can be adapted to all the seasons, we only need to change the clothes.

2. After this song we can as the children if they know how to tie their shoes, and if they don't we can teach children how to do it.

3. We can sing this song before leaving the class, so children are actually putting on this clothes.

4. In a small group we can give children dolls to dress them during the song, if it is a big group we can give them paper dolls.

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